Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Lemongrab Zine

Me and a handful of WONDERFUL FRIENDS made this THING
The Earl of Lemongrab is a bizarre character from the equally bizarre cartoon Adventure Time

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hey guys! Wow I haven't updated this blog in a long time.....well, now I am and I'll try to be more proactive! In the meantime, I'm posting more consistently on this blog : Check it out aw yeah. Here's some actual stuff I'm doing some dudes kissing the old Pope gone wii bowling haha i put the pope and gay dudes in one post. (also what is this formatting....???)

Monday, March 12, 2012

A bunch of Illustration majors got together and made a pokemon zine. Assignment was to choose a pokemon and make a trainer to go with them. Or draw yourself or something. Whatever, I wanted to draw a viking girl and her Houndoom so I did. Still not quite pleased with it- it's not a clean as I would like.

Winter Break Work

It's been, like, forever, but here's the major 3 things I did over Winter Break. All fanart.

bumbleDone for SPN shebang prompt "Snow" So, Sam, Dean and Cas fighting a yeti. Gouache

Um...NSFW? sorry parents

moira3American Horror Story finished over the break. I really love that show so I'm super excited for the second season! This is Moira, a maid in the haunted house that appears as an old woman but a sexy young lady to men to tempt them into adultery. Digital

Submission for a contest for designing a cover for Florence and the Machine's song "Only if For a Night" One of the first digital things I've ever done. Btw I love swirls and patterns, I wanna do them forever.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Some portrait/observational drawing from break. The top two are my grandparents with party hats on

Wednesday, December 14, 2011






Sequential Art Final Project
Look at me, finally putting things up here again!
Assignment was to make a story about an island, involving a love story.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Back to school

Well, not really, I've been in school two months now!
Here, I'll update with something I've done recently that I liked, both doing and the finished result.

The assignment was to illustrate a nightmare. This is basically how I felt after watching District 9.