Monday, March 12, 2012

A bunch of Illustration majors got together and made a pokemon zine. Assignment was to choose a pokemon and make a trainer to go with them. Or draw yourself or something. Whatever, I wanted to draw a viking girl and her Houndoom so I did. Still not quite pleased with it- it's not a clean as I would like.

Winter Break Work

It's been, like, forever, but here's the major 3 things I did over Winter Break. All fanart.

bumbleDone for SPN shebang prompt "Snow" So, Sam, Dean and Cas fighting a yeti. Gouache

Um...NSFW? sorry parents

moira3American Horror Story finished over the break. I really love that show so I'm super excited for the second season! This is Moira, a maid in the haunted house that appears as an old woman but a sexy young lady to men to tempt them into adultery. Digital

Submission for a contest for designing a cover for Florence and the Machine's song "Only if For a Night" One of the first digital things I've ever done. Btw I love swirls and patterns, I wanna do them forever.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Some portrait/observational drawing from break. The top two are my grandparents with party hats on